Pershore and Evesham Puppy School
Tel: - 07857 277184

Scent Work Courses
We offer two formats of scent work courses, a short 3 week fun introduction to scent work, and a 6 week more in depth format.
Scent work brings out dogs natural sniffing and searching ability, its suitable for dogs of all ages. It is also great for dogs with limited mobility as it is a low impact exercise. It is also great for those nervous or anxious dogs as it will help build their confidence around new and novel things as well as building their confidence as they search.
Scent work is also a great bond builder between owner and dog, as you work as a team to find a scent. The owner learns to watch their dog's body language closely to spot the tell tale signs that their dog is narrowing down on the search for the scent.
But most importantly it gives our dogs a fun job to do, which in turn uses their mental energy and can really help to tire some dogs out.
Super Sniffers - Introduction to scent work
This three week introduction to scent work is a nice short class where we will take you through the basic's of searching for a specific scent (catnip) in a fun and rewarding way for the dog. Then as the dog gets better at searching for this scent we start to reduce it's size and guide you through scent search patterns and how you can make this fun at home.
The class costs £40 and includes course notes and access to a free Facebook group with video's for each the weeks class content to serve as a reminder on how to do the exercises.
Please contact us to book now. Class size is limited to 4 dogs, and all dogs attending must be comfortable around humans and other dogs.
Next Class Dates: -
Childswickham Tuesday 7th November - 21st November - 7:40-8:40pm
Wyre Piddle - Monday 6th November - 20th November - 7:40-8:40pm
6 week class
This 6 week class is more in-depth than our introduction, and is great for those who would like to really get into scent work with their dog, and even go onto outdoor scent trials (which I hope to offer in the near future)
Over the 6 weeks we will take you through:-
Searching for a specific scent id (gun oil or nepeta).
Identifying indications and how to search via shaping, luring and capturing your dogs behaviour.
Developing a passive search indication.
Introducing you to searching through various items, and building your dogs confidence onto novel items such
as: - bags, box's, vehicle searches.
The class costs £80 and includes course notes and access to a free Facebook group with video's for each of the weeks class content to serve as a reminder on how to do the exercises.
Please contact us to book now. Class size is limited to 4 dogs, and all dogs attending must be comfortable around humans and other dogs.
Next Class Dates: - New dates for 2023 to be released soon